Want to learn Marketing effectively?

Kajal Bhatia
8 min readSep 12, 2020

How to be a great marketer? A BIG QUESTION IN THIS ERA…

Many of the entrepreneurs in today’s business world think that sales and marketing are the same. Are they actually the same??? My answer to this is and always will be NO, because marketing is a wider concept and sales is a component of marketing. I would like to elaborate on this with an example.

Imagine an entrepreneur who is trying to sell his outdated products and just focus on that, but the customer does not need that particular product so here he is just focusing on the sales criteria not what the market needs?? If he focuses on that he might know the actual need of customers, what his customer actually wants?? How to fulfill his customer’s needs and even generate revenue for his business?? This process is marketing!! The prior step of any business is to get what your customers need.

Are you a Blogger, Professional, Freelancer, Mentor, learner, or Entrepreneur?? If yes!! then is article is definitely for you.

“Speak to your audience in their language, about what’s in there heart.”- JONATHAN LISTER

In this article, I will be talking about the Fundamentals of Marketing, I will be further dividing this into Digital Marketing & Traditional Marketing, after giving detailed information about this I will further proceed with the CATT Marketing funnel and then proceeding to Integrated Digital Marketing. You might be thinking what is this all!!! RIGHT, we will cover this all in our article. When you really understand these 4 then will be the right time to do Personal Branding. So why wait let's get started!!


The customer is the king of the market. In this present era, the customer is much smarter!! YES, this is true customer understands wants that his/her demands should be fulfilled and you as a marketer, your prior responsibility is to know your customer demand and fulfill it to create good customer relations.

Marketing starts before the creation of products. A good marketer makes that product which is in demand, to earn good profits. “AS MARKETING IS SENDING MESSAGE TO THE RIGHT PERSON, IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME.” Being a marketer always remember that marketing is just about trust. You have to earn the trust of your customer not just by selling your product but also by communicating with your customers and even understanding there need. This can be more clear by an example, “OLA cabs were launched in India, the founder first made communication with the customer and got to know what is the exact need in the market and see after reacting to the customer preference they just made a very successful business.”


From ages, the concept of marketing is running. Business needs marketing from the start of the world. But the concepts vary. If talking about Traditional marketing: Radio, TV, Newspapers, etc are the medium of this marketing. According to my perception, these can reach millions of people till now and on the other hand, Digital Marketing has many tools from which you can target a selected audience.

IF TELLING YOU IN FIGURES: TV has a reach of 800 million to 1 billion people. Radio has a reach of 65% of the Indian population. Through Digital Marketing you can reach targeted people eg: English speaking people with a target audience of 100 million people.


Want to become a successful Marketer???But how?? The CATT market funnel means{ Content Attraction Trust Transaction} You are going to get an answer to this now…


Here n stands for niche=Chosing a correct niche is a prior step towards your success. Always have a narrow niche and focus on that to attain success

(C) Content= “Better content the more will attract” yes, useful content always attracts people towards your blogs.

(A) Attraction= Always drive attention for your content using different tools like SEO, SEM, Paid Ads, and so on.

(T) Trust=Trust is what is the basic need to get customers. Try building trust and see how will you generate much ana much & much revenue

(T) Transactions=Convert your leads into customers with natural sales methods.

Follow 3 simple steps for the perfect niche

Talent & Passion: If you have talent and passion and not market than definitely you not going to make money. Example: A if you are a very good cook you have both talent and passion but not people involved in it than definitely you are not going to earn.

Passion and Market: If you are passionate about something and do have a market for it but you don't have talent then again you are not going to earn because your passion is not going to last.

Market and talent: If you have market and talent you will earn but at some point, you will definitely start losing interest in it, and then everything will get waste.



As from the word it is clear that Integrated means integration of multiple marketing strategies. Explanation of all these is given:

E-mail Marketing, Paid advertising, content marketing, sell & convert, SEO, social media marketing. These all can’t work well individually. If they all will bring up together then definitely they will create leads. Most of the up growing industries are creating many leads depending upon Integrated digital marketing, as well as rounded marketing strategies that provide better vision for online business.

Isn't that cool?? I am going to tell you one more fact.

You know the idea behind this marketing is that, while each strategy doesn’t have a huge impact on its own, when used in conjunction, you can create a more influential online presence.

I hope now you have understood the whole process till now and we can easily now move forward to PERSONAL BRANDING. But before that, I really want to share one impactful thought “your Brand is what people say about you when you are not in Room”


Why personal branding is important?? The answer to this is If you are best at something then people should also know it. Then only they will reach to you because they will know that you are an expert in it. Your personal brand will always be very important because people will always listen to and your band will never speak.

Let me tell you one thing if you are clear with who you are and have a story of your own which people also knew, then I am fully sure that people will always remember you in the market. AS PERSONAL BRAND CAN GIVE RISE TO MANY BRANDS FROM HIS/HER INFLUENCE.


Do you know why this is in circle?? Because this process is never-ending and I believe learning never ends. So what is the whole process??

LEARN: When you are going to enter into the Digital Marketing world. The prior step is to learn new skills through concepts by understanding it, remember all the facts related to it, and practice the procedure.

WORK: Practicing what you have learned will never let your mind to forget the facts. Implementing things in real life will always lead you to grow. From work, I mean job, freelancing, or own projects.

BLOG: When you feel confident about your own work then move ahead towards blogs and start writing your own experience about it.

CONSULT: Now as you have your own brand, experience own your blog start consulting other people for there blog instead of working for them.

MENTOR: What I feel is that at this point you can start mentoring a group of people and start making good revenue from it. And teaching even improves your knowledge and always enhances your skills.

STARTUP: Now is the time when you can do your own startup and here you have already built trust and now you can reach the ends with your knowledge and experience.



Yes, I am talking about making 1 crore.

Then let's get into it…

A) See the first graph, when you have a product price at RS 100 and then you need 100000 customers to buy your product and you can make one crore out of it.

B) In the graph second, your product price is RS 1000, and at that point, you need 10000 customers to buy your product which means by this you can make one crore.

C) The third graph says you need to have product price at RS 10000 and need 1000 customers for that to make one crore out of it.

D) The final graph says that the product price should be RS 100000 and then you need only 100 customers to make one crore.

SO, isn't that amazing criterion to make one crore.

With this, today's conversation should end and I hope you may find this more informative.

“We’re all learning here; the best listeners will end up the smartest.” — Charlene Li & Josh Bernoff

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